Monday, November 14, 2011

Oldie Moldie Monday

Oldie Moldie Monday returns after a vacation. 

I have "a thing" about 6 x 6 pads - I have met very few that I do not like and have quite a large collection.  I grabbed out a Basic Grey collection to use this week plus a Hero Arts stamp I have had for a long time.  I have gotten lots of use out of this monkey stamp.  The sentiment is computer generated.  We have a new person starting in our office so wanted to welcome her with a card.  My special greeting to her.

The card is based on the sketch at The Sweet Stop.  I substituted a circle for the square element.

Thanks for stopping in for a visit.


  1. Love your monkey card! I have that paper in 12X12 if you're interested!!!

  2. What a cute card. I have a thing for 6"x6" stacks too! The ones you used are so cute.

  3. Such a sweet card. It's fun bringing back the "old" isn't it? Thank you for playing along with us at The Sweet Stop this week. :o)
