Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hero Arts and Canvas Resist

Good morning - wanted to share this card I made.  I am taking an online class from Inspiration Showcase with Jennifer McGuire.  I am having so much fun - trying things I would not normally do - so this is good for me - plus I am getting some cards made for some upcoming and belated birthdays.

This card is done using the Canvas Resist Technique.  I did not have any sheets of the sticky back canvas so I do have just regular canvas bought at the fabric store.  I tore the size I needed to fit my stamp.  The tearing gives it such a nice homespun look.  I rather like this and think it would be a beautiful piece of artwork also.  You ink your stamp with Versamark and stamp on your fabric and then emboss it with white embossing ink.  After that you press your distress ink over the entire piece of fabric.  You can mist it with a Perfect Pearl Powder and water mix to make the ink go into the fibers of the canvas better.  You then wipe off the embossed areas with a damp cloth.  Such a pretty effect and the colors are varied even though you used the same distress ink. 

I am going to enter this card at Lily Pad Cards because they have a Resist challenge going on - they must have planned it around my taking of the class.

Now I am still working on Day 1 of the class - we are up to Day 6.  I am so behind.

Everyone have a very creative day.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying Jennifer's workshop as much as I am.

    I also took the Summer Card Camp and it was awesome! I think both she and Kristina are super talented and I love their wonderful ideas and inspiration.

    Your card is awesome and perfect for the Challenge At Lily Pad -- another site I LOVE!!

    Happy Crafting,

  2. Just beautiful Barb! I will definitely have to try this. I love the gorgeous orange color.

  3. Oh how cool is that, LOVE it, and such a pretty bow too!
