Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Reminisce Fall Card

I fell in love with this gorgeous fall paper from Reminisce.  You really do not want to cover it up it is so gorgeous.  Weekly sketch at Operation Write Home's card blog Stars and Stamps - has the sketch divided into 4 areas - I did it the lazy way - I cut thin strips of contrasting paper and placed it on top of the leaf paper.  I added some twine and a bow and then pop dotted my sentiment to add a little extra depth to the card.  I inked the edges of everything.  I hope you enjoyed my lazy sketch card.

Have a wonderful remainder of the day.


  1. What gorgeous paper. I have to say no one would know you did this the lazy way. Actually I think it was the smart way. The whole card came together perfectly. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This card is completely gorgeous! Love how the paper is shaded.

  3. Lazy or not you can't argue with results, this is beautiful! Thanks for joining us in this week's OWH Stars & Stamps Sketch Challenge!

  4. Your card is gorgeous! I love fall and all the colors. Great idea to make a shortcut - I'll have to remember it! Also I like the piercing around the sentiment and the twine.

  5. Great interpretation on this week's sketch Barb! It never occurred to me to use one piece of paper like this. I have to remember it next time I use this sketch because i often have a hard time getting a bunch of paper pieces lined up just right.
