Saturday, July 30, 2011

More We R Memory Keepers

Good morning - I could have posted these yesterday but I was feeling lazy.  Of course - I did end up at the dentist and had to have a crown - money flying out the window.  I was lucky the dentist was able to work me in and get my tooth fixed before the week end. 

I have been working on more cards out of paper from We R Memory Keepers - I keep finding more paper - I found another grouping last night so I want to make a card out of that paper before I send the box on its way - I do want to put it in the mail today so need to get myself in gear.  I also need to mow - or start mowing my lawn - 9 is a polite time on the week end to start mowing - it is suppose to be very hot here today again so want to get started before it is too bad outside.

Of course my cards are for Operation Write Home - I love it when the paper does the card for you - you don't need to do any stamping or coloring - everying is done by the paper and it's embellishments - add a sentiment and you have a fun card.  I am sure the cards will make some heroes family or friends smile when they receive them.

Everyone have a wonderful day.


  1. These are beautiful Barb. I agree it's just wonderful when the paper is so great that it hardly requires any effort and you still get a fabulous card.
