Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Quick post tonight - my computer is so slow - I am in wait mode every time I attempt to do something. After top equipment at work - it is hard to work with slow than slow.

My card tonight uses a digital design from I Brake For Digis - a great masculine image - of course - what color is that tractor besides really an ugly color - all the tractors in my life were John Deere Green but did not think I could carry that off. So somehow I came up with this ugly color - looks like it is rather rusty.

I had this one piece of paper which was double sided - the green numbers and dots - and then I bought some of a new Basic Grey collection - and it matched perfectly. I think I came up with a nice masculine card.

Everyone enjoy their evening.

1 comment:

  1. I love this image .. and the way it's colored reminds me of the old farmall tractor we used to have on our farm!
