Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bunny Hop March 5, 2011

Good morning and welcome to my stop on the bunny hop. If you came from Kimme at InStyle Stamps you are in the correct spot. Are you overwhelmed with great ideas already – I hope you have a notebook and pen handy so you can make notes of ideas – purchases you want to make – etc.

Just a couple reminders of upcoming deadline before we get down to the fun.
March 18 is the deadline for Easter.
March 31 is the deadline for Mother’s Day.

Today I am sharing two cards. I have started using digital stamps and I have found them to be so versatile because you can adjust the size of your image. If you have old eyes like me – make them bigger so they are easier for you to color.

My bunny came from I Brake For Digis. I wanted to show the versatility of the image you download. On the yellow card I printed the bunny on the white cardstock and also on the patterned paper. I cut the image out of the patterned paper and adhered it to the top of the printed bunny. It actually has a little depth to it when it is layered on top of the printed image. I could have done a better job of cutting my bunny – note to self – print two on your patterned paper. I chalked the white paper so it wasn’t so white – although the picture makes it look white – it is actually creamy in real life. I used my nestabilities to cut the oval and its frame. My corner rounder is one of my favorite tools so used it on the corners of the card. Add some patterned papers, a little twine, a button and a sticker sentiment and you have a card I love.

My second card shows what you can do by making the image smaller. I decided on the size I wanted and then copied it and pasted it two more times – there is that rule in design about odd numbers. I colored each bunny a different pastel to coordinate with the paper. I have had this patterned paper laying around for years but it made this card so sweet. Doilies are the current rage so I had to add one of those to my card. Some more twine and a sticker – and you have the sweetest little card – I think I am keeping this one – I need a baby card.

Did you know there are free digis on OWH and also the cardmaker featured on Friday’s post of Stars and Stamps has some very fun images she is sharing with us. Try them –you will like them.

How about some candy? Just leave me a comment and tell me if you have had any experience with digis.

If you get lost – or find a broken link – just hop back to the beginning and find out where you left off.

Now hop over to Paula’s and see what she has to share with you today.

I am going to enter the cards in the Moxie Fab contests - one card qualifies for the coloring and one card qualifies for the paper piecing.


  1. The image is cute, but I am really taken with the rest of your cards... the way you use the different papers and how they all work together.. awesome!

    Thank you !


  2. Such sweet bunnies. Love how you used the doily. Have fun hopping, stay warm.

  3. Such cute cards. I've never used digis before. :o) Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

    lnorris21 at hotmail dot com

  4. Love the cards, great use of digi's, I love the paper pieced bunny! I've been using digi's for a year now, and love it!
    hugs Marilyn

  5. Recently began using digis & I love, love, love them! It's easy peasy, b/c my program lets me resize the image, so I can make it for any size card & have it look in proportion.

  6. My SVG & Digital Store is OPEN
    Come and BEE a follower on my blog
    Rebecca Minor

  7. cute spring cards Barb.
    I have just started in the past year to use digi stamps and OWH has been a wonderful source of inpsiration for this beginner. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Adorable cards!!! I'll be honest....I suck at digi's, not very good with computers and printers...but thanks for all the info....maybe I'll give it another go......I've done a few cards, but got lucky on those, LOL!!!
    Happy Hoppin'

  9. Your cards are darling! I love the first one. And I usually doing dig doiles but your master the use. They look good.

    I've used digis, but not in some time. I think they are fun though. Makes me feel like a kid again to color them.

  10. Hi Barb! I love your bunny cards! I LOVE digital images and use mostly digi's anymore. The only stamps I was using were sentiments but now a lot of the sets are coming with sentiments and digital papers to match the images... what more could a girl need? :)

    I like that you can make a digital image any size you wish like you've shown and then there's the storage space, that's a big factor if you don't have a craft studio or room for everything.

    Have a great weekend hopping!

  11. LOVE the bunnies! I do so enjoy the OWH events as I get to meet so many lovely and talented people along the way. Thanks SO MUCH for sharing your creativity with us today! My husband is a decorated Vietnam veteran and this event always holds such a special place in my heart.

  12. Your first card reminds me of the Velveteen Rabbit story! Adorable cards!
    OneCreativeMomma at yahoo dot com

  13. I have used digi(s) before & love the fact you can size them to your heart's content.

    -- Christine
    myserenity19 at comcast dot net

  14. Cute cards, I like the trio of bunnies. I've used a few digis before but my computer is nowhere near my craft area (with a steep staircase inbetween) so I find it to be more of a hastle for me than anything.

  15. I haven't played with an digi images YET, but one day....
    TFS all these lovely creations.

  16. I've used digi pages for scrapbooking but not digi's as you do here.

  17. I'm just starting to get into digis. So far I like them.

  18. Good morning Barb! I love how you did the pattern piecing. And of course you already know I am into digis in a big way. Yes, they are so versatile. Thanks for sharing your bunny cards.

  19. I am just starting to use digital stamps and learning to love them. Thank you for being part of the blog hop!

  20. I haven't tried digis yet; but gathering quite a few along this hop. Thanks for sharing your creations and your support of OWH. Hugs and Blessings, Loni

  21. Love the bunny cards! They are adorable!


  22. I am totally excited from all this blog hoppin - I can't decide if I should go make cards, or keep looking at more LOL - I think I will get brain overload :)
    Mindy O.

  23. HI Barb!! Your cards are adorable, I love that bunny image. I haven't really used that many digi images yet, but you make me want to try it! Love the versatility of changing the size of the image.

  24. So so sweet!! I love your darling cards and the doily! We are sort of teammates - I am on the IBFS regular team. LOVE digis -- design for Hambo Stamps, which has great ones. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  25. Darling cards and images! I've just started playing with digis. They're lots of fun!

  26. Good tip on paper piecing the digis. I have problems with coloring them nicely, so this is a big help.

  27. Very pretty cards. Thanks for the inspiration! I am just getting serious about using digis.

  28. Very cute! I really like the card with the 3 bunnies!

  29. your cards are so cute! i love the pastel colors! i recently started using digi's myself and i'm already addicted!!

    thank you for sharing!

  30. So cute. Your cards are so sweet. Thanks for the inspiration.

  31. Thanks for the reminder to print on patterned paper. I have two digi's I have purchased. Just taking baby steps!

  32. I have just started to collect digi's to use on cards.

    Diane S

  33. I just discovered digis about a month ago, when I started the Hambo Hoedown challenge. Now I'm hooked!!! Beautiful cards, love the idea of repeating the image and coloring with different colors.

  34. Barb, I love your bunny cards! Thanks for sharing digi-ideas for changing them up.

  35. Im just learning to make cards and love the idea of digital stamps just from a storage point of view :)

  36. Two lovely cards!!! Love your paper piecing!! And I love, love, love digis too!!!!


  37. Great cards, Barb. I especially love that first one. I love it so much I'm going to case it. And maybe turn it into a future sketch if that's okay with you :)

    Here is my big confession... I have never, not once, digitally stamped. I'm a little afraid of it. These Frantoonies may push me into it though, they are so adorable.

  38. Hi Barb, your bunny cards are so very sweet! The blue bunny totally reminds me of the fabric you'd see on a child's well-loved stuffed bunny. Great job. Like you, I've come to enjoy using digis. I don't have a big craft space so digis are very convenient! See you at OWH!

  39. I am new, so I really have not had any experience with digis. Maybe after I build some supplies for general card making I can spare some $ for markers & such.

    Hummer Hugs,
    hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

  40. Very cute cards! I have no experience what so ever with Digis.. I'm dying to try them though!

  41. Your cards are VERY cute, and I love that you've shown the versatility... I have not tried any digis yet (but I collected a couple so far today) -- I'll have to try them out... Seems a little odd not to actually 'stamp' anything, but I imagine it will be a fun thing to try!! :)

    Amy :) at
    scrapbookingwithamy (at) gmail (dot) com

  42. I love the bunny cards. Thanks for sharing. I have had a little experience with digi images but I need a new printer that will accept cardstock. My poor printer is on it last leg.


  43. I have never used digis. I may try some this weekend. Thank you.

  44. Ah what a sweet bunny. I love you paper piecing. Yep, digis are fun - I've played with them and, like you, my favorite part about this is being able to resize them.

  45. Love your cards, I am thinking I am really going to have to try the digis. They are adorable.

  46. I enjoy working with digital images. They are quite versatile, and I especially like being able to resize them and combine with other images or my own sentiments. Love this chunky bunny! ~ky

  47. thanks for sharing your tips with digital stamps... I love digital stamps and use them a lot ; they are so versatile.

    thanks for contributing to OperationWriteHome. :)

  48. The bunny cards are so cute!
    Thanks for the information and sharing your cards.

  49. Great cards on your blog.

  50. Great cards. That patterned bunny is adorable! I use a lot of digis. I think they are great, but I print a lot at one time, so I have a ton of them spread out everywhere!

  51. Great cards and tips on digis! I love using digis. And those stamps as your candy are great, versatile ones. Thanks for the chance to win!

    And as a military wife, thank you for helping OWH out and donating your creations!

  52. I've never used digis before, but after seeing all the beautiful cards this morning on the hop I'm definitely going to give it a try.

    scrappinheaven at yahoo dot com

  53. I just love your pieced cute Barb!!! Happy hopping!

  54. So very cute. Thanks
    Linda Dale

  55. Love those bunnies and the papers you used with that top card. Digis are great not just for old wyes but for pudgy fingers like I have :)

  56. Cute cards! Just started using digis recently. Love them. Thank you!

  57. Very cute cards! Thanks for the tips on using digital images!

  58. I don't use digis much because I'm not much of a colorer. But when I use them, it sure makes my cards look nice. Love the bunnies and they look adorable on your cards.

  59. I love your cards, thanks for sharing. I love digi's...I like the creativity in coloring them and being able to make them any size you want.

  60. Such sweet cards! I like the first one the best... the patterned paper on the bunny looks just like fabric. And everything else looks great together. Thanks for sharing!

  61. Wow, both of these cards are great. The bunny is cute. I have been using digis for a little over a year and just love them. TFS.

  62. What fun cards--thanks for the digi tips! You can find me at ksjennings at gmail dot com or

  63. I have never played with digis before...guess I need to try!

  64. I like how you showed the same digi in two different ways. I tend to get stuck using them only in one size. Great cards!

  65. Oooo! LOVE all those patterned papers on your first card! Scrumptious!

  66. Just recently began using digi stamps which brought on my need for more and more copics. haha Thanks for the opportunity to win blog candy!

  67. Terrific post Barb. Such nice cards and a lot of helpful info too. I think a lot of people are still unsure about using digis and you've probably encourage quite a few to give them a try today.

  68. Thanks so much for showing how you used the big bunny on patterned paper and several small bunnies together to color. I have just discovered digi stamps when I dove head first into making cards for OWH in January. A whole new world was opened to me with the discovery of digis and I learn more every day from generous people like you who share what they know! Thank you!

  69. Both of your cards are WONDERFUL, I love the Patchwork bunny and the triple bunnies are adorable!
    Yes i have been using digi now since last spring...almost a year already, but I won't give up my rubber! LOL

  70. Fun bunny hop today! Love your pretty cards - so Spring like. We all need that! I have and still use digi's a lot with my cards. Have so many cute one's and try to use them as much as possible! I love them!

  71. Adorable cards and I love the paper pieced bunny!! I think digis are fantastic!

  72. I like how you did the triple bunnies. That card is going to make a new mama smile.

  73. Love the bunny & the different ways you used it.
    I also love the way you can resize digi's, haven't tried the paperpiecing yet, but after reading what you have done, I'm going to try it. Thanks for inspiring me!!

  74. oops...forgot to comment on digis. I'm new to them and trying them out with Copics.

  75. I have the stamp set you are offering for your blog candy so I don't need another set, just wanted to say that I love your cards displayed today! I'm always thinking how can I use this stamp in more than one way and usually you can find several ways! Love using the digi stamps, mostly I use them with my Copics though! :)

  76. I love love love Digis! Your bunny is so cute!

  77. Great cards! I have very limited experience with digis but would like to become more confortable with them.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  78. Hmmm... Nope, haven't played with digis too much! Yours are adorable though!


  79. I just started playing with digis, courtesy of OWH! :) Your bunny is SO cute!

  80. Adorable cards! I just love the paper piecing on the first.

    I love digis!


  81. Your cards are both so springy and fun! Great work! :)

  82. Barb, those are adorable!! I've been using digis but have never printed them on patterned paper, What a great idea!!

  83. Thanks for mentioning that digis can be resized! That's what makes them so fun - you can make them fit any project ;) Great samples you showed us today!

  84. Cute card and the bunnies are darling.

  85. That is a sweet bunny digi! Both your cards are great :) I love using digis, like you said you can make them as big or as small as you need.
    Doris, stop #45

  86. Adorable cards. I haven't reall worked with digi stamps. Seems I'm usually out of ink :(

  87. What a cute image! I, too, love the versatility of digis! Another plus is they don't take up precious real estate in my crafting area. Thanks for sharing your cards!
    Gena575 at gmail dot com

  88. Yes, I use digis and I love them! They're easier to store than rubber!
    Your cards are adorable with those cute bunnies and soft colors! TFS!

  89. I have only used the digis available on OWH -- these are adorable, though! I will take a look! Thanks for being part of the hop!

  90. I don't use digis much because I didn't have a working printer... but they make cute cards. I like your one you printed on patterned paper instead of colouring!

  91. Cute paper piecing bunny. I love how you used the image in 2 different ways. I do like using digis for their versatility in sizing.

  92. I have a hard time with digis....seem to be so hard to make the colors right....

  93. Love the image. I have been using digis for about a year now, love all that you can do with them.

  94. I'm brand new to digis. I said I'd never get into Copics, but I finally broke down and bought some. I'm still taking baby steps, but enjoying it so far.

  95. Your cards are so cute. I love seeing two cards made with the same stamp. It's so dramatic to see the difference you can make with sketch and color changes.

    Thanks for a chance to win your yummy blog candy. Yes, I do have experience using digital stamps.

  96. I love how you used the doily and the different papers together. , Although I haven't used very many of them, I love digi's because you can do so many things with them.

  97. Love your cards!


  98. Thanks for sharing your cute cards.
    Great idea on use of sizing the digis. I like them too, except my printer ink smears with copics, so I have to use pencils, watercolor, etc.

  99. Thanks for sharing your cute cards.
    Great idea on use of sizing the digis. I like them too, except my printer ink smears with copics, so I have to use pencils, watercolor, etc.

  100. What a cute bunny image! You made a good point about being able to resize digital images to whatever size works best for your card. I also like being able to reverse the images - for example, you could have flipped the bunny on the first card to make it face the right side of the card instead of the left.

  101. Love the cards. They are so adorable. I really have to figure out this whole blogging thing!!!!

  102. Beautiful cards! I don't do Digi's, not really into coloring but love my stickers and new cricut on cards.

    Thanks for sharing your great talent!

  103. I love digis. I like that I can size them to fit my plan, not plan to fit the stamp. But I still buy stamps, too! :)

    Thank you for showing how digis can be resized.

  104. I've never used digi, but I am taking advantage of the freebies on the hop to try them out. We shall see! LOL!

  105. Thanx for the inspiration and blog candy opp! I enjoy making lots of hybrid cards!

  106. I haven't ventured into the world of digis yet. You did a beautiful job with these bunnies! Thanks, Barb!

  107. Cute cards!!! And digi??? Something that I have always wanted to do and have never done!!!

  108. Digis are so fun. I am really into using digis now. They are so versatile - being able to size them and combine them (without masking).

  109. Such Cute Cards..

  110. Really cute cards! I have tried the digi's and have found some of them to be just wonderful.

  111. What fabulous cards! I love your coloring and your layouts are fabulous! Thanks for the candy offer and your support of OWH!

  112. Ooops! Forgot to say that I love digis! It's real nice to be able to resize the images or even make them a different color. Storage is my biggest issue, so I love how many I can get on my flash drives! Thanks again!

  113. Thanks for the ideas. Have been saving some digis on pc but have yet to try it. Great idea on printing on patterned paper.
    mishona2 at yahoo dot com

  114. Love your cards. Thanks for a chance to win.
    I'm an old red rubber stamp gal, only recently started using clings and clear stamps maybe one day I'll figure out how to do the digi thing.
    Blessings Bernie
    bernietom47 at yahoo dot com

  115. I've been hooked on digis for some time now. I love how I can print as many as I want, size them how I want & print them off in batches. I then do my coloring in front of the tv with my copics. Once I'm done with coloring, I take my images upstairs to studio & turn them into cards. I also love how they require no storage space in my studio. Great cards & TFS!

  116. That plush bunny image is way too cute--and the pastel threesome is triple the fun!

  117. Love the image. I love digi's. I love using my
    Copics. TFS

  118. yes i love digis and your cards are ADORABLE

  119. love your cards, thanks for sharing! i have not tried any digi's, guess i'm old fashioned, lol
    linda patti

  120. super cool cards.....nice blog candy...thanks

  121. So sweet- love the paper piecing and the digi- three in a row- too cute! Fun OWH HOP!

  122. super cute cards... I keep "collecting" a lot of the free digis that I see, but then forget to use them....gggrrrr - maybe that should be my "new years resolution" to use my digis - LOL

  123. I am addicted to digis! They are my new favorite thing. I love how you can resize them and color them to match your card. Great job on your bunny hop cards! -Yvette

  124. Oh my, I haven't used digis before and I never thought about paper piecing them. THANKS for that awesome tip.

  125. Beautiful cards!! I LOVE DIGIS!!! My computer is full of them, and my bank account proves it hahaha but I love them for the very reason you posted, you can alter the size to fit whatever project you're working with. and they're cost effective!!!

  126. I have just started using digis and can't wait to try some of the ones made just for the troops.

  127. As always, you have done a fantastic job on your cards!

  128. love that triple bunny card. I use digis all the time. love the ones from Hambo stamps.

  129. I like the bunny trio. I've downloaded a few free digis but really haven't tried my hand at them. Thanks for sharing your cards.

    Ann K.
    annjerryk at aol dot com

  130. Hi Barb... loved your creations for the hop! Great colours. I love digis.... still love rubber of course, but digis are my staple now....
    hugs and blessings from Australia,
    Pauline #48

  131. I love that dotted bunny! Too cute and I loved your comment about needing them bigger to see them - I feel the same way!

    jencuthbertson at gmail dot com

  132. Love the card with the little bunnies. Haven't used digis before. Those are cute though.

  133. You like digis for the exact same reason I do. i find them so incredibly versatile!! I love that I can change the size to be whatever I want it to be. The only thing I don't like is that I haven't quite mastered heat embossing them yet.

  134. Yes I've used a few digis on my web
    Cute card, I became a follower. Great blog hop.
    Thanks for sharing
    karen k3 at ameritech dot net

  135. Hey Barb! Thanks for entering the Stamping with Markers Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  136. Hey Barb! Thanks also for entering the Paper Piecing Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the stampy fun! :) a
