Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A snowy morning greeting to you - I would say good - but I may be stretching it - although my snow blowing fairy has been through and I am dug out - even my mail box - now if the snowplows come through again - and bury me - I will be very preturbed.

Being home yesterday I did get a couple cards made for my personal use - today I must make cards for Operation Write Home - I am behind in my one card a day. This card - obviously is for Valentine's Day - it will go to a special person in my life.

the card is very loosely based on the sketch at Cardabilities. If you look closely you can see elements of the sketch in the design. I decided I did not want to cut down the scallop border I cut from the paper - so I just cut down the size of the card base and let the scallop hang over the edge. I must have been feeling rebellious yesterday. I cut out the word Love from a SRM Sticker to add a sentiment to the card.

Thanks for stopping by - today I am going to make barn yard related cards for Operation Write Home - that is their mid week throwdown - I have a few (lots) of pig stamps and of course being from Wisconsin - cows - and how about chickens - just chicken in on you.

Hope you get to do something creative today.

Card Details:
Size: 3.75 x 6
Paper: Crate Paper
Stamp: Whipper Snapper Designs, Hero Arts (background stamp)
SRM Sticker

1 comment:

  1. Love your 'bee' card Barb! Very pretty colors. Hope you're keeping warm!
