Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good evening - another busy day at work - but the day goes fast.

I hope that I will be able to play with paper tonight - I think I may try to make some cards for Operation Write Home - my goal is a card a day - or 7 cards a week - sometimes you get on a roll and you can get them all done at once. I will be posting some of my recent Operation Write Home cards later in the week. I used a new stamp I bought and if you need some Easter inspiration - stop by.

Today's card is based on the sketch at The Sweet Stop - I like all their layering and I had this new 6 x 6 pad from Basic Grey of their Hopscotch collection. This collection has some wonderful colors. The image for the card is a digital image from I Brake For Digis called appropriately Elephant. What a great value for $3.00 because you can print the image in any size you want. I printed the elephant on one of the plain colored patterned papers and also printed it on the alphabet patterned paper. I cut out the image on the plain colored paper and then I inked it up. I love how the coloring turned out and I just had to color her nails.

Everyone have a wonderful evening.

Card Details

Size: 4.5 x 6
Patterned Paper: Basic Grey
Digital Image: I Brake for Digis
Sticker: SRM Sticker
Ribbon: American Craft
Twine: May Arts
Flowers from my supplies


  1. This card is so cute, it makes me smile! :)

  2. Oh my goodness! How totally adorable! Cute image!

  3. Very Cute, Barbara! Love the crossword!!!

  4. Oh...your pink elly is adorable!
    True :D

  5. Very nicely done..and the puzzle image makes a terrific background.
