Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010


There is a song running around in my head as I made this card - I think Elvis may have sung it - "Blue Blue Christmas" - to be kind to all of you - I won't sing. It is not pretty - and something I avoid doing - well ok - I avoid doing around other people - of course - you sing when you are alone.
Hard to believe Christmas is so close - I still have some more holiday cards to make - I have some left in my basket but sometimes - none of them seem appropriate for the person you want to give them to. We will see if it happens - and then I thought it would be nice to give my hair stylist - 4 handmade cards - I probably have some but do I know where the coordinating paper is so I can finish the insides - no - so it is almost easier to make new cards.
I was giong to make a new recipe for dinner - well - it was suppose to go in the crock pot - so I guess tomorrow I will make it. I am sure I can find something to eat. We are in the midst of a storm - so far we have just had rain - but I am sure the snow is coming and then winds and bitter cold. Some parts of the state are under blizzard warnings. YUCK. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
My card today is for a special young lady in my life. I asked her her favorite color and she said it was blue - so thus the blue card. Caardvarks (their last challenge - thanks for all the inspiration) is to make a monochromatic card. This is pretty monochromatic - or pretty blue. It is also the sketch at Unscripted Sketches. It is a combination of papers. I had bought the blue snowflake stickers at Michael's - they added just the perfect finishing touch to my card and of course, those foam snowflakes I found at Michael's. They just dress up so nicely with the addition of Stickles. I had some already Stickled (is that a word) but the glitter was pinkish so I had to Stickle some new ones with a Stickle that had a blue cast to it. I also paper pieced the cup.
Everyone have a wonderful evening - stay warm.
Card Details:
Size 5 x 7
Paper: Die Cuts With a View and Momenta
Stamp: Whipper Snapper Designs colored with Copics
Foam Snowflakes: Michael's
Snowflake die cut: Sizzix
Sentiment Sticker: SRM Stickers
Snowflake Stickers: Michael's
Ribbon: May Arts
Pop Dots
Inside Verse: Hero Arts


  1. What a sweet card! I especially like the layered snowflakes and that cute image! Thanks for joining us at Unscripted Sketches this week! Becky G.

  2. Just lovely! I love your take on this weeks sketch, and the blue is awesome. So glad you joined US for this weeks sketch challenge!

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  4. Adorable - love the image and your card is beautifully done! Thanks for playing at Unscripted Sketches this week!

  5. Beautiful!! Love the blue and the image is adorable.

  6. What a sweet card and even more perfect in those great shades of blue. Nice use of the Unscripted sketch.

  7. Oh so cute! I love snowmen and your little guy in the cup with a blowing scarf is just adorable. Love your use of the sketch. Thanks for creating with us at Unscripted.

  8. lovely !!! this card is very soft and well made !!
