Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good Monday morning – I had a good week end but I did not get much creating done – oh well – when I got home yesterday – I did manage to put together my “Oldie Moldie Monday” cards. They are more cards for Operation Write Home – it is time to make valentine cards. Archway Cookies has offered to donate up to 4000 cookies (hopefully that is boxes) for 4000 cards sent to Operation Write Home – valentine cards – my personal goal is 50. I think I will make it – I want to get them sent out Thanksgiving week.

Did you get a chance to do the blog hop with Operation Write Home on Saturday – wow lots of great creations. If you get a chance – try to go take a look at all the wonderful creativity. Sandy has a thumbnail of each card from the blog hop at this link - to make it easy for you to hop.

My first card is based on the sketch at OWH’s card blog – Stars and Stamps – every Sunday a new sketch – of course I needed to make my oldie moldie cards – so dug out this pad of paper from K&Co – I have embellishments also that match – but some of them have glitter – and glitter is a no no for OWH cards. Isn’t Mr. Iguana very cute? He will bring someone a smile – actually he will make many people smile.

Everyone have a great day. I have a fellow cardmaker coming this upcoming week end so getting the house in order and need to get the crafting area picked up so we can make some cards if we wish. I have some cooking done.

Card Details:
Size: 4.25 x 5.5
Patterned Paper: K&Company
Stamp: Stampendous colored with Copics


  1. Mr. Iguana is super cute! As are your cards!

  2. You have some of the cutest stamps and this is no exception.

  3. LOL, this Iguana is adorable!! Great job with the OWH sketch.

  4. Never seen an inguana stamp before but this guy is adorable.. very cute valentine

  5. Barb, your cards are so cute, full of bright patterns and the iguana is a charmer!!

  6. This is really gorgeous! Love your take on the sketch challenge! Hgus, Karen

  7. The Iguana is so adorable! Love your variety and good luck on your 50 cards, that's my goal as well for Thanksgiving!
