Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Monday morning – a short work week – yeah – everyone loves those. Lots of time to eat and be merry and visit with family.

But back to Monday business – it is Oldie Moldie Monday – time to dig into your supplies and find some paper that you once loved but it has gotten buried with new loves. It is time to show it some affection. I still like this particular grouping of paper – I have made numerous cards out of it and there will be more to come. It is a card for Operation Write Home using their sketch on their card blog, Stars and Stamps. Every Sunday they have a new sketch to help your creativity.

The stamps are from a local stamp company – Crackerbox Palace. I think the kitty is so cute and you know it will bring a smile to many people’s faces.

Well – I suppose – I must go and start my short work week. I suppose I should shower and get dressed though before I go. Everyone enjoy your Monday and please dig out some old paper and show it some love today.

Card Details:
Size: 4.25 x 5.5
Patterned paper: Making Memories
Stamps: Crackerbox Palace
Ink: Colorbox Chalk Ink – Chestnut Roan


  1. Cute! When I clicked the thumbnail I was expecting it to be a mountain goat LOL. Far cuter.

  2. So very cute Barb!! Love that kitty.

  3. hey Barb -- I have that stamp too!! I pretty much have every cat stamp ever made though :) love the paper and what you did with it -- nice card !
