Monday, September 6, 2010

Oldie Moldie Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day and Happy Birthday to my youngest daughter. Yes, she was born on Labor Day - the true definition of Labor. Hmmmm - 34 years ago. She ran a half marathon this week end - so proud of her.
This month Operation Write Home is celebrating their birthday with a month long celebration with lots of fun and challenges and prizes. You can follow along with the fun at their card blog Stamps and Stripes.
Today (Oldie Moldie Monday - the day to show some love to some older paper) I decided to dig into this stack of paper I bought a year or two ago - I don't know if I have made any cards out of it - but now I have made 5 cards. I will share 4 of them with you today. I used the paper that had all the little critters on it. I thought they would make great cards for the soldiers to send home. Little animals always make you smile.
This is the Die Cuts With a View "The Green Stack" - 70% recycled Paper. Why is that it that you run out of some sheets of paper to help finish cards. I need to see if I can find a sheet of the stripes for accent pieces, some coordinating green and some red.
Everyone enjoy your day.

Card Details:
Size: 4 x 5.5
Patterned Paper: Die Cuts With a View
Sentiment stamps: TPC Studio
Letter Stickers: EK Sucess
Sentiment Sticker: SRM Stickers
Ink: Colorbox Chalk Ink

1 comment:

  1. These turned out very cute. I haven't been at it terribly long but I'm already buried in a "stash." I might have to join you in the "Oldie Moldie" movement.
