Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Card One

Card Two

Card Three

Good Monday morning – and yes it is Oldie Moldie Monday and I am posting a challenge for Operation Write Home who is celebrating their birthday this entire month – all kinds of challenges are listed on their card blog – Stars and Stamps. Go check it out and join in all the fun and make some cards for a Hero to send home to family and friends.

My challenge is for you to dig into your supplies and use some of that stash and make some holiday cards. For each card you make – your name will go into a drawing. If you make a penguin card – your name will go into the drawing twice and if your card is shades of purple, has a penguin, and from your stash – your name goes into the drawing 3 times. The deadline is out a ways so you even have time to go buy a penguin stamp.

And they all ask – so what do we get if our name is drawn. I am going to have several prizes. The grand prize is a sentiment stamp set – great for making cards for OWH and then I am going to make 5 “winter” bags – winter accessories and stamped images. Just post a link to your card in the comments area of my blog – if you don’t have a blog – send me an e mail with your card and I can post it for you.

The “oldie moldie paper” I used is Bo Bunny from many years ago. I love purple for winter cards. I have more penguins – I really should go make some more cards since the paper is out. The snowflakes are foam – you can get these packages at Michael’s – and if not making cards for Operation Write Home – they are great fun to dress up with Stickles.

I am looking forward to seeing all your creations from your stash and maybe a little purple and penguins will sneak into your cardmaking also. I will keep the challenge open until the last day of September. Have fun. OH - Penguin update - I made two more cards last night.

Card Details:
Card 1:
Stamp: Penguins – Stampendous; Sentiment – Endless Creations (Wisconsin Company)

Card 2:
Stamp: Penguin – Studio G; Sentiment – Endless Creations (Wisconsin Company)

Card 3:Stamp: Penguin – Hero Arts


  1. I took you up on your challenge Barb! I love purple so it was very fun to paw thru my stash and choose paper. I did have to search for the penguins but I found some.
    Thanks for the challenge!

  2. Hi Barb - I took you up on your challenge too!! I have a number of penguin stamps and tons of scraps in my stash so that really was easy-peesy!!
    check it out at

  3. Me three! It took a while but I did it :)

    Thanks for the challenge, Barb!

  4. Oh, I really liked this challenge! I found a way to get rid of some questionable paper!

    Thanks for the challenge and for supporting OWH!
