Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Good Tuesday morning. Back to work today. Enjoyed a day off yesterday - had an eye doctor appointment and then played the remainder of the day. Great fun. My friend drove her yellow corvette convertible and it was the perfect day for cruising around in an convertible. I even found some good buys - but no paper was bought - but when I got home I did have a package in the mail - I now have the 6 x 6 packs of Basic Grey - Oliver and Olivia - I believe that is the name and some new ribbon. I had run out of brown May Arts twine so I bought 20 yards - hopefully that keeps me going - probably should have bought more.
My card today is based on the sketch at Get Sketchy. A very easy sketch that you can do so much with. If you look at Monday's post - you will see that this card uses the same paper and I made another tissue flower for my accent. It is another card that can work for the clean and simple challenge on the SRM Sticker blog. Stay tuned I am sure there will be more cards made using this paper - I want to use the grouping up.
Alas - I must go get ready for work. Hopefully I find some time to create tonight. It is suppose to be hot and humid but I did hear that the AC has been fixed at work - yeah - I might have had to take another day off if it hadn't been fixed. Everyone have a wonderful day.
Card Details
Size: 4.25 x 5.5
Patterned Paper and base flower: Bo Bunny
Sticker: SRM Stickers

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see another one of these red flowers....so pretty!!!
