Monday, July 19, 2010

Oldie Moldie Monday, July 19, 2010

Good morning - a quick post before I head out the door to work. Since it is Monday - it is Oldie Moldie Monday - where you dig into your supplies and make some cards out of paper you have buried. I have found a wonderful organization to make cards for which is helping me use up some of my paper - I do believe it is a never ending battle. The organization is Operation Write Home. They have a call this week for children's cards. I found this grouping of paper and made some girl cards. Last week I made boy cards out of the same grouping.
Everyone have a wonderful day.
Card Details:
Size: 4.25 x 5.5
Patterned Paper: Wright Print Crafters designed by Kelly Rightsell
Sticker: SRM Stickers

1 comment:

  1. So cute Barb!! You're in froggy mode - the kids are going to love these!!
