Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good evening - interesting day at work - got to work at 6:30 this morning - try to get soem work before the hustle bustle of the work day begins - unfortunately we had no power - so I had work I could do - found some auxiliary lights and worked under them and then was light enough I could work in my office near a window. The power finally came on at 10:30. No e mail until 1 and I finally left at 3 - our system had still not come up and I had exhausted what I could work on so I went shopping and spent money. Needed some things for vacation.
Tonight's card is based on the sketch at Get Sketchy. A simple design that you can lots with. I got this grouping of Cosmo Cricket at Tuesday Morning - and there was lots of goodies in the package - and so far I have only made two cards out of it - I must get busy. The paper is 8 x 8 so I just folded it in half - and cut it down to 5 1/2 inches in length.
Everyone have a wonderful evening.
Card Details:
Size 4 x 5.5
Paper, Chipboard, diecuts: Cosmo Cricket

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