Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Card One

Card 2

Card 3

Good Wednesday morning – waiting for the repair person to come for the furnace/AC unit. It is time for it’s yearly check up – plus it has a little problem. I think we have hot muggy weather coming in for the end of the week so want the AC to be working. Of course, I hide in my basement lots of the time to play with paper so that offers some relief from the hot/muggy conditions. I always want to try and do something creative every day – well tonight – I think it may be laundry – work has been exhausting me this last month – but July is coming – I have a few quiet days for the year in July. Try to work some short weeks in July, etc. I just need to make it to July.

Today I am showcasing cards that I made for the midweek throwdow on the Operation Write Home card blog Stars and Stripes. The challenge is to use bling – I dug through my bling – of course – had to buy more bling (thus blog candy). I have made 3 cards for today’s post.

Glitter is a no no for OWH cards but bling bling isn’t. There is lots of bling in the stores also. Michael’s even has some in their $1 bins sometimes. The flourishes can be expensive but in cardmaking you can make a flourish decorate several cards.

I do have a small package of bling for blog candy – all you need to do is leave a comment on this post. Next Tuesday evening I will draw a winner's name. I hope you enjoy my cards with bling and look forward to seeing all of yours.

Here are the details for each card.

Card one – for a wedding this summer
Patterned Paper: Basic Grey – Cappella collection
Bling flower: Kaiser Scrapbooking
Bling scallop: found at Walmart
Stamp: Hampton Art Stamps colored with Copics
Rub On: Unknown
Ribbon: Michael’s (little metallic bling on the edge of ribbon)

Card two - love the monochromatic colors
Paper: Bazzill Bling
Bling: Basic Grey
Sentiment: SRM Stickers
Oval Punch: Punch Bunch

Card three – bright and cheery (A lift of a card sent to me by my friend Ivanka – thanks for the inspiration)
Paper: Bazzill Bling
Bling: Me and My Big Ideas
Sentiment: SRM Stickers
Flower Sticker: Penny Black
Ribbon: May Arts
Border Punch: Martha Stewart
Oval Punch: Punch Bunch
Stickles added to flower (Stickles are a safe glittery accent)


  1. Your work is absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. I love your bling, and of course your cards are gorgeous. Can't wait to play myself. It is hot/muggy here in Indiana too AC is a must, so I understand wanting yours checked out.

  3. Beautiful cards. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Congratulations on being featured on the military card site! Your cards are beautiful!

  5. Beautiful!Thank you for sharing!

  6. Gorgeous cards! I love all the different styles and the bling!

  7. they are so pretty Barb, great job showing off the bling :)

  8. Barb your bling samples are outstanding! Makes me want to get mine out and play.

    I especially love the Make a Wish card with the minimalist coloring of the blossoms. Gorgeous!

  9. I like them all but that blue one is fantastic! I'd never think/try to use that much bling on one card but it looks great!

  10. wonderful cards
    I like them all but especially the bottom one! lovely

  11. you have very beautiful cards, and u gotta love the bling.

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog! You make such beautiful cards! I especially love the blue one.

  13. These are great. Card three is my fave. Love the oranges.

  14. I am partial to the first card, because I am patterned paper challenged. LOL! I love your cards. ~ robinski6 at yahoo dot com

  15. Love the cards! Thanks for your work for OWH!!
