Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday June 19, 2010

Good Saturday afternoon - I got some cards made last night and one this morning - had to wait for some sunshine to take the pictures - the sun wasn't quite perfect. Notice the difference in the green color in the two cards - one card was angled a different way - in the afternoon - it is a perfect spot to shoot pictures. It is also very windy out so I took many pictures of cards falling down this morning. I do not attest to being a photographer. Digital does help though - delete and the bad shots are gone.
I have had this sheet of paper laying around for awhile - loved the paper - double sided from Scenic Route. Perfect for birthday cards. SRM Stickers is having a blog hop this week end and they have a sketch - the sketch worked perfectly with the paper I had. I just had to alter the sketch a little. As long as the papers were out, I made a second birthday card. I love the bright colors in this paper. The circles are fussy cut from a piece of the paper - otherwise the card looked naked.
I did make another card this morning before I ran some errands. Home to do some housework and then I have a birthday date with one of my neighborhood grandchildren - they get $20 and we go shopping and then we go for dinner. Halley is going to help me run some errands also. It will be nice to have some company. I have a feeling we will end up at Toys R Us - a store I never go in unless I am with the neighborhood children.
Everyone have a wonderful day. We have a perfect summer day in Wisconsin.
Card details:
Card 1
Size: 4.5 x 6.0
Paper: Scenic Route
Sticker: SRM Stickers
Brads: Target $1 bin
Stickles on the candle flame
Card 2
Size: 4.25 x 5.5


  1. That is such a great birthday card!

  2. It sounds like you had a great Saturday! I love when I can make similar cards using the same supplies ... it seems I can never make exactly the same card twice!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. Remember that you can have another chance at winning the blog candy if you comment on today's post. Have a great day!

  3. This is fabulous! Love love love those candles - so vibrant.
