Monday, June 21, 2010

Oldie Moldie Monday June 21, 2010

Operation Write Home Stars and Stripes weekly sketch

Give a cardmaker scraps

Digital Image

Tis Monday - Oldie Moldie Monday - time to dig into your well loved supplies of paper and show the older paper some creative love. Actually last week I dug into my pink/brown drawer - yes I have an entire drawer of pink/brown papers - and made some cards using the digital image in the last card. I made 3 cards and left enough paper for Oldie Moldie Monday. It is amazing how many cards you can make from several sheets of coordinating paper. Please join Ivanka and I in Oldie Moldie Monday creations - and share your creations on our Flicker gallery.
The first card is based on the sketch at the Operation Write Home card blog Stars and Stripes. Another fun sketch - of course - I was lazy again - and just cut a block of paper and put a strip of paper through it to resemble the sketch. Much easier for me than trying to align two blocks and make them straight. I actually used two new stamps on my cards today. I like those stamps where you just stamp - no coloring needed - makes a card come together so much easier and faster.
Hot and muggy here - and did I tell you - I need to get a new AC unit - yuck - and of course it is suppose to be very hot this week. Yuck.
Everyone enjoy your day.
Card One:
Size: 4.25 x 5.5
Paper: Unkown
Stamp: Hero Arts
Ink: Colorbox Chalk Ink by Clearsnap - Chestnut Roan
Sticker: SRM Stickers
Card Two:
Size: 4.25 x 5.5
Paper: Unkown
Stamp: Inkadinkado ($1 stamp at JoAnn's)
Sentiment Stamp: Hero Arts
Ink: Colorbox Chalk Ink by Clearsnap - Chestnut Roan


  1. beautiful cards! i just love the pink and chocolate colors together, they are my moms favorites too :) thanks for sharing!

  2. Love that pink and brown. The top one is my favorite. It looks like it could be opened at the circle at first glance. It would be neat to try a fold like that--with a slit between the two vertical rectangles.

  3. Those are all gorgeous. Definitely love pink and brown. The combination is so pretty. TFS

  4. Great color combination and nice details on all these cards. Love the butterfly stamp!

  5. Beautiful cards! Where is the stamp on the last card from? It's great.

  6. Such awesome cards! Love the color choices.

  7. Love your pink and brown scrap cards! I have very happy pink and brown paper memories which your pretty cards remind me of. Thanks!

  8. Wow, these are all stunning! I too love the pink and brown color combo. Great layouts and eye for detail!
