Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Monday morning - no work for me today - I have to go have my eye checked to see how the surgery progressed on my torn retina. Hopefully all is well. It is scary when something happens to your eyes. My appointment is in Madison so my friend and I are going to wander around and do some shopping - no money - so I guess it is window shopping.
Today is Monday - what is Monday - the day to dig into your oldie moldie paper - and make some cards. Yesterday I was talking about this with two of my neighbor girls and one said I don't think I want a card out of moldie paper Barb. I had to explain it was just old paper - no mold. That brought a smile to my face. I was able to combine OMM with the sketch challenge on the card blog for Operation Write Home.
OWH card blog - Stars and Stripes will be sponsoring a blog hop Memorial Day week end. I am going to participate. I need to plan what I am going to feature. Go check out the blog for more details. Take some time and use some of your supplies to make cards for our troops to send home to their families.
Everyone have a wonderful day. Dancing With the Stars is on tonight. Yeah - getting closer to finding out who the winner will be.
Patterned Paper: Bo Bunny
Butterfly punch: Martha Stewart
Bling: Kaiser Scrapbooking
Sticker: SRM Stickers
Scallop Diecut: Papertrey Ink


  1. Bright and cheerful paper combo.I love how you "pleated" that strip of paper on the second one. Great idea, very nice effect!

  2. What fun paper combinations!! Cuteness!

  3. Gorgeous cards, love the bright cheerful colors and rounded corners!

  4. Great these colors together!!

  5. Wonderful cards! I love all the different papers you used...great color combo!!

  6. Too Funny! Were we seperated at birth??????
    I dug out my Bo Bunny paper too. Love your cards, Barb. So fresh and pretty.

  7. The colors are terrific. Very refreshing.

  8. Pretty paper! I love that it's so bright and cheery - we can use some of that in Chicago right now.

  9. Both cards are so pretty! I love the moldie oldie papers too:) I hope your eye is healing nicely, take care!

  10. I like your moldy oldy paper, it's pretty! Nice job on the cards and I'm glad you're participating in the OWH blog hop, me too, can't wait!

  11. I love pink and green...In fact I have those two colors out right now to do a card!!

  12. Cute card! Love the butterflies.
