Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Good Friday evening - the cold of winter was in our office - I actually got out a blanket and wrapped it around my legs to try and stay warm at work today. I think they need to do a little tinkering with the temperature in there. Monday - even though it is suppose to be 90 degrees outside - I am going to dress very warmly for inside the building.

I have another thank you card to share with you. Same stamp and paper from yesterday. Another very special person who needs a thank you for their love for our friend Shari.

The card is based on the Sunday sketch at 365 Cards - Hopefully I am somewhat in the ballpark with the sketch. I made the flower with beige tissue paper and some of the patterned paper.

I am planning a quiet week end at home - try to rejuvenate the soul and get some work done around the house.

Card details:
Size: 5.5 x 5.5
Patterned Paper: My Mind's Eye
Stamp: Hero Arts
Ink: Colorbox Chalk Ink by Clearsnap
Ribbon: Offray
Brad from supplies


  1. What a pretty card! So much to love - the paper tissue flower is awesome and the stamp sooo cute!

  2. Love the stamp, love the flower, love the paper...Love the card!

  3. Wow - stunning card and love the colors!!
