Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday, January 24

Good morning. It is raining - I think I should back my car out of the garage and let the rain wash some of the grime off my car. It is pretty dirty but that would involve energy - and I just don't want to do it. I fell asleep on the couch last night watching the Australian Open - woke up about 3 in the morning and have been watching matches since - there have been some really good ones - I did take a nap for awhile. I think today will be a long one. I can not sit down tonight and try to watch tennis - I must go to bed. I need to put in a 10 hour day at work tomorrow. Not because someone told me to - but because I need to. We will see what tomorrow brings. Lots of football to watch today and the Badgers play basketball also - so I will stay busy. I really have no need to go anywhere.
Today's card is based on the sketch at Get Sketchy. It was a fun sketch. I don't have too much valentine's day paper - but I dug into this old collection from Bo Bunny - I really like the colors in this collection. Teri Anderson has a challenge on her site to use "Old Stuff" - and boy do I have lots of old stuff. The only thing new on this card was the stamp ($1 stamp from Michael's) and the red button.
Everyone enjoy your day.
Size 5 inch square
Paper and Stickers - Bo Bunny
Stamp - CraftSmart distributed by Michael's colored with Copics
Ribbon - no idea - scrap hanging out in the basket
Button - Dress It Up
Twine - May Arts


  1. So cute, love your color choice! thanks for playing at GS!

  2. Very cute take on the sketch!
    thanks for playing!

  3. Oh, what a beautiful and cute card!!

  4. Oh, pretty!
    So glad you were inspired to take part.

