Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Long Day of Work

I put in a 10 hour day at work today but I did accomplish lots so that makes it worthwhile. Busy time of the year for me. I doubt if there is too much creativity in my bones tonight - maybe I will just sit on the couch and watch tennis - probably watch tennis through my eyelids.
Today's card is based on the sketch at Taylored Expressions and I guess it also qualifies for the challenge on Our Creative Corner since it is blue and green. That was a happy accident. A card to be sent to Shari to cheer her. I used some older paper which is good - now I think I will give it away to a scrapper - she doesn't have lots of money so she will love getting the paper grouping.
I also finished the inside of the card and have include a picture of it.
Everyone have a wonderful evening.
Size - 4.25 x 5.5
Paper - Stemma
Stamps - Inky Antics colored with Copics
Sizzix diecut for buttons
Twine - May Arts

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