Saturday, January 2, 2010

Brrrr - It is Cold

Good evening - did everyone survive the first day of 2010. That is going to be strange to remember to write 2010. It is very cold in Wisconsin with a chill warning - I am even cold inside my house. My daughter's plane was unable to take off from Costa Rica so they are there another day - told them to appreciate the warmth. I do hope their car starts when they get back.
I am sharing a couple of projects that I did this last year. Both are food related. The bottom card is a matchbook card that you can put a small piece of candy in such as a York Peppermint Patty. The top project is a covered candy bar. The snowflakes, mittens and alpha were cut with my Slice. I need to get that out and play with it some more.
Everyone have a wonderful evening - I hope it is warm where you are.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Barb!
    Your DD should stay down there for the rest of winter!! I'm jealous! LOL! Love your projects esp. since it's FOOD-RELATED!! :0))))
    Read your post below - love those cards too! Both my sons are winter babies (Dec & Jan) as well!
    Have a great weekend!
