Thursday, December 3, 2009

Snow - UGH!!!

The first snow fell today and of course the drive home was great fun. At least it stopped snowing the closer I got to home so at least I could see. The majority of the time I do not mind my drive to work but when the roads are bad with snow or ice - I don't. Winter in Wisconsin - I hope we don't have the snow we have had in the last few years. We need a break.
Have you ever had a pack of paper that no matter how many cards you make - it won't go away - well I decided to start using up this pad of paper from K&Co that I had from last year plus I had the coordinating tags. I think I have made 7 or 8 cards this week - today I saw a blog where a person had just gotten the pad and was making cards - she used some different combinations so maybe I am inspired once again. Come back again tomorrow for another card or two made from this paper unless I get a sketch done tonight.
Paper and tags - K & Company
Ribbon - May Arts

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