Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wonderful Wacky Wednesday

Well we have made it through Wednesday and are on the downhill slide to the week end. Who agreed for me to work on Saturday - oh yeah - me - but the extra money comes in handy. I won't like it on Saturday but when the extra check comes - yes - it wasn't so bad.
Today's card was based on the sketch from Card Positioning System. It was a fun sketch to do - this is my start on my Mother's Day cards - I send my Mom a card every day of that week. Gives her something to look forward to.
Paper - Bo Bunny
Stamps - Hero Arts - flowers are from an acrylic set and the butterfly is a wood mount
American Crafts chipboard letters
Folk Art Acrylic Paint
Fiskar's Border Punch
Bling - Darice
It started as a 5 x 7 card but decided to trim it down so the diagonal design could hang over the edges. Like the look of that. I distressed the paper with acrylic paint. The letters were dabbed with acrylic paint so the white still shows through. The images were stamped on patterned paper and cut out. The butterfly was bent slightly so it would be dimensional and after after the Stickles - it curled even more - love the look - it will go into the envelope flat and when she take it out the butterfly will become dimensional.
Everyone have a wonderful evening - I have another sketch to do - I have the paper and elements all together - now can I get it all to come together in one night. Come back tomorrow night and see.


  1. Great job with the sketch! I love your card!

  2. This is wonderful! That butterfly is so pretty and I love that punching. Great use of that CPS sketch.

  3. Very pretty! I love the punched borders! Great job with CPS 112!

