Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hang On

Hang on - hang on to your friends, hang on to your hope - just hang on. Sometimes in life - that is all we can do is Hang On - and this card is being sent to a very special friend - going through a very serious health crisis - and she needs to hang on to her friends, hang on to her hope and hang on to positive thoughts. Isn't this true about life - I know I would never have gotten through many things in my life without my friends and my hope - and always have to be positive - you can have negative thoughts for a short time and then - stop - switch to positive and move forward.
Cruising the internet tonight I found the site with this free image - I am so happy I did find it - Dustin Pike is the artist. Check out his designs.
Here is my card for my friend. The image is a digi image that you could download and of course, I did not write down the person's information and can't find it - she lives in Utah I believe and has an Etsy shop - I keep looking - and if anyone knows who the beautiful artist is - please let me know. I colore the image with Copics - still working on my coloring skills. My monkey has Stickles added to his teeth and his belly button is pierced. The paper is from One Heart - One Mind and sentiment is computer generated.
The design is based on a sketch at Taylored Expressions - she has a cupcake challenge every friday and check out her rubber stamps - she has the cutest cupcake stamps for every season - I covet these stamps.
Everyone enjoy the remainder of your Saturday - it was beautiful here this morning but now it is raining.

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