Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wet Rainy Day

So if April showers bring May flowrs - what do March downpours bring besides flooding, wet basements, etc. Not too much that is good in my area - we would gladly send the rain to some drought stricken area if we could. Could to be home and inside.
Once again tonight I am sharing a project that I have done in the past. This is a canvas. I will tell you what I remember about it - I did a wash of red paint and water on the canvas. I then added layers of pattern tissues from old sewing patterns (I just have a few around the house gatering dust) - don't remember the medium I used to attach it all. I then layered on the embellishments. Most of them were found in an old sewing box from my grandmother. The picture is from a CD I have. The spool of thread - is something I copied and cut out and wound the thread around it so it looked like a spool of thread. I think it is rather fun - too bad my sewing room is light green.
Everyone have a wonderful evening.

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