Sunday, January 18, 2009


Creativity - somedays you have it and somedays you don't. I do enjoy my week end because I do have time to create. Work seems to sap the creativity out of me - so If you can have your projects or cards planned out ahead of time - lots of time - you can still create during the week. Sometimes - there is no mo jo - as you all know - you can sit and stare at the paper and nothing comes to you.
Hardest thing to do - make a very simple card - no layers - I can't do it - You have to build layers - making a card is like cooking - building your layers of flavor or creativity to make your end product tasty or beautiful.
My card today is based on a sketch at 2 Sketches 4 You - it is time to try out for their new design team - I am thinking of trying out so have created a card from one of the sketches - not totally happy with it and of course, I took my creative license with the sketch (as always).
Paper - My Mind's Eye
Rub On - One Heart One Mind
Threading Water Punch
Heidi Swap flower
And keeping with my new year's resolution (I have never been this good with a resolution before) I have finished the inside of my card - it is very hard to take pictures of the insides of your cards. Does anyone have any good suggestions??

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