Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday - Whew Survived

Survived Saturday - graduation went off pretty well - just a few hitches - but lived through them - had a nice late breakfast with a few of the workers - and then home - sent the snowblower back to the snowblower hospital - a snowblower without the blow - is no good - oh by the way - guess what it is doing outside - snowing again. After I got home I then decided to be very brave and go to town (what a fool) - I decided I wanted new tableclothes - 70% off - got 4 tableclothes for less than what one cloth would cost. Then off to the grocery store - that was a mess also - but I still need to unpack everything.
Tonight I am sharing a little set I made - I had posted the container before - but here is the little mini card and gift bag that goes with it. The rub ons and paper are Imaginisce.
Everyone enjoy the remainder of your evening.

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