Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Sunday

Well this blog was interrupted by a cold - I was miserable all last week with a cold - but luckily I did not get it as bad as some of my office mates. Thank goodness.

This week end I went to see my Mom - my niece was here from Oklahoma with her son - had not seen them for years so it was great. My 90 year old mother - decided she wanted to pick up apples from under the apple trees - my brother owns an orchard so off I drove my car into the orchard - found some trees and we picked up 5 bags of apple - we both survived the adventure.

After I came home today I made two apple cakes - one for work and one to share with the neighbors - each neighbor got half the cake - the kids love it when I call and say bring your plates over and I fill them up with delicious cake (hopefully delicious).

I think I am going to make a card tonight - the Packers are playing tonight - and if I keep busy - I shouldn't fall asleep - can't sit down.

if you want the apple cake recipe - just leave me your e mail address and I will send it to you.

Come back again and visit.


1 comment:

  1. Hope your feeling better. And I would rather just have the cake. So send cake. LOL.

